Are you experiencing any difficulty with your doorbell? If so, please follow the steps below to reset the program and it's components. At anytime please do not hesitate to reach out to a support team member at 1-855-364-5483.
Step 1:
Close and reopen the doorbell program on your pb&jTV server monitor. At the bottom of your screen, you will see a red icon with a bell in the center. You can right click and select close the program. Once complete left click and it will relaunch. See images below.
Step 2:
Check audio settings. Please visit the My Audio section for assistance in troubleshooting the systems audio controls
Step 3:
Check your doorbell controller box (pictured below). This is connected via a 3 ft USB cable to the back of your server. Please unplug and replug. Once complete repeat Step 1.
Step 4:
Double check both 18:2 wires connected to the doorbell controller. Please make sure they are snug.
Step 5:
If you are still experiencing issues please contact our Camper Cam Support team immediately for further assistance.
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