Prior to sending your messages for the first time, make sure to configure your back house messaging platform. You may also be looking to simply update your default messages, interview areas, audio sounds, etc at any given time.
Step 1: When logged into your Pupdate Dashboard, select the green 'Configure' button. Here is where the magic happens.
Step 2: Configure your default settings and select 'Save Defaults'.
*Best practices for configuring your messaging system:
- Default Messages:
- - is here to play!
- - is ready to go home!
- - is here to interview (the 'in Play Yard 1' will derive from the created interview areas).
- Default Sounds: Try and keep this different. Also, make sure to rotate audibles so pets don't get used to certain sounds. This can excite them!
- Interview Areas:
- Input your desired interview areas (i.e. Play Yard 1, Teacup Room, etc). These are unique to each camp.
- Automated Messages are used for quick trigger/repeat messages that are not scheduled. For example, when a tour comes you can quickly send 'Welcome to Camp Bow Wow' and then fill in the remainder (i.e. Rover) in the general message area.
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